Puerto Ayora is an interesting place, a quiet Island town in the Galapagos archipelago (Ecuador, South America). Galapagueños, locals, are quite fond of festivals and conservation, and they celebrate every effort to take care of their beloved Islands. Actually today is a bit normal... even quiet. It is so weird that local news and people in general do not know about the
Mission Blue Voyage ? Yes the Mission Blue Voyage...
Do you know about the Mission Blue Voyage?
Actually do you know about
TEDPrize ?
Well if you live in the U.S. and are connected to local media, you are an avid reader of National Geographic or similar then there is a good chand you do. But what about the rest of the world...
Why do us "Americans" try to save the world and do not inform everyone else about it!.. You know, you are up to your good deed and you do not even bother to say: hey I am going to save you by the way!. Of course we would never ask: is it okay if I save you? you see I am going to kick you on the shin so you can avoid running into ongoing traffic... We assume to much and sometimes we do not even listen.
Nothing wrong about the TEDPrize or the Mission Blue Voyage. But it would have been great to let everyone in the Galapagos Islands that the starting point for this important conservations/world saving project is here!!! starting now!!! I say here because I am one of the ignorants that just found out that a "spectacular group" (as mentioned on the projects website) of: "– marine scientists, deep sea explorers, technology innovators, policy makers, business leaders, environmentalists, activists and artists –" will be visiting the Islands for a summit (if you can call it that), they will actually take a cruise on board the National Geographic Endeavor. Check out the
bios of who will be on board. Top notch I would say.
Has anyone from the Galapagos been invited?
Of course not! oops! an oversight. Us humble Galapagueños may not know how to interact with these celebrities or everyone forgot to tell us about this event. Even the
Galapagos Park authority was not up to date, of course none of the local
Galapagos cruise companies either.
Are these lecturers going to be speaking with our Children at a Galapagos school about conservation?
Of course not...
I think the point is made. Please let us know when you are trying to save us!
We might have at least a clue on giving a good idea and participating in such important issues as conservation. I know this is a global initiative and several similar events will be held around the world. Maybe the same mistake (not including the locals) can be corrected. Saving the environment includes all of us.