viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

ECUADORMeasure to Reduce Traffic and Pollution in QuitoStarting May 3, 2010, traffic in Quito will be restricted by a system called "pico y placa" (rush hour and license plate), aimed at limiting the number of motor vehicles being driven during rush hour (from 07:00 am to 9:30 am and from 16:00 pm to 19:30 pm) on weekdays.  This new traffic control system will help ease bottlenecks and traffic jams and reduce pollution. It relies on the last digit of each license plate:  on Monday, all those motor vehicles whose license plate ends with 1 or a 2 shall be forbidden to be on the road during rush hour, whereas on Tuesday those vehicles have plates ending with a 3 or a 4, on Wednesday with 5 or 6, and so on.This new measure shall be in force for all private transportation, exception for school buses, tour buses and vans
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